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Body by Science Workout Routine for Beginners  

I want to go through exactly how to get started today with the Body by Science workout routine for beginners.

We would prefer to use Nautilus or other low friction strength training machines, but what you have available at your gym will suffice.

The workout has some important specifics to cover here to assure you're getting the most out of it and staying safe, after all, This is SAFE Fitness Training dot com. 

The idea is that we want to reach momentary muscular failure where we can't push any further in 1-2 minutes per exercise. Whenever you are able to reach over 2:00 minutes before reaching fatigue, I would certainly move the weights up for the next session. In the beginning, this weight moves very quickly upwards (in comparison to other methods I've used for strength training).

Meaning this - you will progress SO much faster than what most traditional trainers see. 

Depending on your current strength and comfort levels with strength training, reaching the place of full muscle fatigue may not be easy for absolute beginners to strength training.

There are three most important practices with this workout –

  1. Slow pace (around 6-10 second reps, slower the better),
  2. Breathing through every exercise,
  3. Proper form (shoulders down and neutral, upper body relaxed when appropriate, core engaged).

Body By Science Workout Routine for Beginners

What really allows us to reach momentary muscular failure in such a short time, with the Body By Science workout routine we don't rest or set the weights down between repetitions.

We want a fluid motion, remaining at the same pace through the entire workout, when the weights do touch we want them to just barely touch, then we keep full engagement on the muscles, then barely start, pushing forward again at the same pace.

Be sure to never lock the knees out on the leg press, and to never lock the elbows out on the chest press.

There are some precautions to follow for specific machines that will be important for you individually, if you have lower back pain, joint pain anywhere, or things like surgeries it may impact how to change your seat settings for your own safety. 

If you sign up to get my FREE PDF Quick Start guide for this workout directly to your email, traditionally known as high intensity strength training (and widely popularized with Dr. Doug McGuff and John Little's book Body by Science) you'll be able to get started TODAY with reminders and procedures on exactly how to do the workout safely and effectively!

Body By Science Workout Routine Leg Press Adjustments for Safety

The main areas in the body that will effect our seat settings for the leg press in the body by science workout routine: and for beginners you'll have to pay attention the knees, hips and lower back.

Knees: If you have regular pain in your knees or have in the near past, it's best to always keep a 90 degree angle or more in the knees. This can be done by either bringing the past of the seat you're sitting on further back, or the equivalent of that for other machines. We could also simply bring our heels up a bit higher on the exercise to keep the knees safer.

Hips: It's not as common but some clients will have some minor hip pain when pushing. This would be a similar fix, to move the part of the seat you're sitting on further away from the foot pad.

Lower back: If you have any ongoing lower back pain regularly you'll want to start with the back of your seat setting all the way down to the furthest setting on the back. Basically, the leg press is like doing a squat. So the equivalent of bringing the back of the seat to the lowest setting would be to simply stand up a bit more straight during squats.

Getting to full momentary failure is really the important factor in all of this, and enough rest between sessions, which will actually be different for everyone.

A lot of people will spend lots and lots of time in the gym just wasted. The only reason I say that is because I used to. 

I also just threw weights up and down haphazardly, doing all kinds of unsafe practices. 

I've been instructing this very specific program to beginners, intermediate, and advanced clients alike and I've put together a full course that outlines EXACTLY how to apply the Body by Science workout method (high intensity strength training) for ALL ages.

This step by step, soon to be 5 hours of everything you need to know - goal setting workshop, the WHY, the HOW, and exactly everything else you need to know in between. 

For today, we are using the leg press, walking through all of the important considerations for the body by science workout routine, then on the video below I'll show you how to do the workout, and you'll see me get to full momentary muscular failure near the end of the video.

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