Finally Get Measurable Health and Strength Benefits from Exercise - Body by Science

Have you tried exercise programs but they just were not effective at all? 

Or even worse, have you been injured by bad fitness tips or advice? Or even worse than that, have you been injured BY a fitness trainer?

If you have injuries, supposed "limitations", painful joints, if you are aging quickly and feeling the signs, or you just may think there's nothing that can help you - 

My mission is to help YOU get extraordinary health and fitness results from this powerful method. The evidence and science behind all of this  in the book Body by Science by Dr. Doug McGuff and John Little.

In the book Body by Science the methodology in practice (how to do the workout) is not explained in an easy to understand way for beginners-

So I want to teach you this extremely effective method to get measurable health and fitness benefits for all ages! Even more than that, I'm going to explain exactly how and why this is the best exercise program for injuries, "limitations", chronic joint pain, chronic illness and disease, senior citizens, and elderly.

In as little as 20 minutes once or twice a week, we can easily double your strength in a very short time. I'm going to go into detail as to how and why this is possible.

If you're thinking "20 minutes is a gimmick and too good to be true" - I can relate, and used to think this, so please stick with me, keep reading, and let me explain how you only need 20 minutes a week to change your health and life.

We are going to change your life in this process together - IF you are willing to put these methods into practice.

Strength training is the best preventative medicine

I'm Jonathan Gentry and I'm a fitness trainer (I go by the nickname J.G).  My specialty here at Safe Fitness Training is helping people with supposed "limitations" like injuries, surgeries, spinal fusions, joint replacements, lower back issues, chronic diseases, elderly, and senior citizens. 

This workout is truly for everyone, yet senior citizens and elderly strength training clients get the fastest and most extraordinary results of anyone because they do have the most to gain. 

In fact, the most important last chapter of Dr. Doug McGuff's book Body by Science is titled - The Ideal Training Program for Seniors and Elderly.

Nobody wants to be injured while exercising.

And most of us have busy lives and do not want to spend hours in a gym every week.

And we all want solid results!

In short, workouts should be - 

Effective       Efficient        And Safe

Newest Research on Exercise for Seniors: How to Defeat Chronic Illness 

 exercise should be prescribed as medicine for many chronic diseases

Safe fitness tips and training - There is an epidemic of chronic disease and illness that is sweeping the world, and it is much more prevalent in the United States due to the poor modern diets and sedentary lifestyles.

In the U.S. six out of ten adults have at least one chronic disease, and four out of ten have two or more chronic diseases.

In a study from 2018 B.K. Pederson says that "Strong epidemiological and clinical evidence demonstrates that exercise decreases the risk of more than 35 different disorders and that exercise should be prescribed as medicine for many chronic diseases."

The underlying condition beneath these chronic diseases and illnesses is sarcopenia, which is simply the loss of muscle mass over time. Near the age of 27 a human body begins losing a half pound of muscle every year. And by the age 50 that loss of muscle mass doubles, losing a whole pound of muscle a year. 

Sarcopenia, this loss of muscle tissue is responsible for the decline in health for so many reasons - 

Muscle tissue helps support all of the other organs in the body. The amount of muscle we have on our bodies is directly proportionate to the healthy function of all our organs.

Sarcopenia Reversal - The Fountain of Youth - Body by Science

Since the underlying cause of most chronic illness is sarcopenia - then reversing that debilitating condition would be the key to greater health and longer life. 

Dr. Doug McGuff author of Body by Science said "Aging and the diseases of modern civilization are 100% related to the pathological muscle loss that occurs with aging: aka. sarcopenia." 

All of these most recent finding are mostly known to specialists in the field of gerontology, the study of aging. But as time goes forward this research is becoming more well known and wide spread.

Just some of the conditions stemming from sarcopenia:

  • Lower back pain
  • Obesity
  • High blood pressure
  • Depression
  • High Cholesterol
  • Cancer
  • Premature death
  • Alzheimer's 
  • Osteoporosis
  • Heart disease
  • Anxiety
  • Insulin resistance
  • Artery disease
  • Stroke
  • Lowered immune function
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Osteoarthritis

So how do we begin to change our lives and develop our bodies past these conditions and issues? 

I have a free pdf Quick Start Guide for Exercise Machines that will allow you to get started NOW!

The key is simply to DO it. Every week. And to continue to do it. This is bedrock and important for living longer.

The people who have the MOST to gain from a super slow high intensity strength training program are those of us who have some of those chronic illnesses that are listed above - 

And most times these chronic medical conditions are most prevalent in senior citizens and elderly clients of ours.

An important thing I want to convey here is this:

This type of resistance training is life extension.

It doesn't just make you feel younger, it makes your body truly biologically younger.

click the two pictures below for more about the two most powerful ways that this Body by Science method helps us live longer and saves lives, especially the lives of senior citizens and elderly!

Strength Training is the Missing Key to Longevity and Health for Seniors and Elderly

When addressing the issue of the proper fitness and exercise program for seniors and elderly - I often have people misunderstand WHY strength training is so important for older people. 

The two biggest misconceptions about elderly and senior citizens strength training - 

  1. Strength training is just for bodybuilders and jocks. (I don't want to get big and bulky)
  2.  Seniors and elderly are destined to deteriorate in strength. (There's no treatment for the loss of muscle mass because of frailty)

Firstly, it's a very significantly low percentage of the population that is even capable of building huge bulging muscles. Genetics plays the largest role in this. 

The developer of Nautilus machines, Arthur Jones would often say when people would ask him how to build muscles like Arnold he would say - "choose your parents carefully". As humorous as that statement is, it is very true.

Secondly, we are NOT destined to have our bodies deteriorate quickly as we age. And proper safe strength training is the key to saving our bodies from this deterioration called sarcopenia. 

Strength training IS the key to a longer life! Strength training is for everyone! Even more than that, the people who can and do benefit most from safe strength training are those with chronic illnesses and conditions, seniors, and elderly.

safe strength training is the ideal fitness for seniors and elderly

WHY does this matter those with chronic illnesses, joint issues, and seniors and elderly?

In 2003 humanity discovered something amazing - we found that muscle tissue wasn't just benign tissue, but instead that muscle is the largest endocrine organ in the body.

Keep in mind this was only 20 years ago. The deep science of exercise is VERY new and has not yet been accepted into the commercial "gym culture" of the world. 

What we know today is that when our muscles contract in a meaningful way (when we do intense strength training) these microscopic proteins called myokines are flooded through the body. 

These proteins, myokines, send signals to all the organs to do amazing things that all add up lowering cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, fighting cancer, developing bone mineral density, improving cognitive function, and TONS more benefits.

This is incredible stuff that we have only just discovered and researched in the past 10-20 years.

Here's the thing that is important to note - 

It is only meaningful (intense) strength training that can give us these amazing benefits. 

The problem is that most of society still believes that walking, jogging, or doing similar activities can help us get the health benefits that we now know only come from intense stimulation of muscle tissue (strength training).

So my message to you and everyone else is simple - 

Please do weekly strength training if you want to live a longer life. Your health depends on it, but your LIFE also depends on it as well. 

The youngest client I've worked with was 17 being scouted for college baseball teams and my oldest client right now is 95 years young, and she is extending her life by building muscle to fight the loss of muscle mass over time (sarcopenia).

The key to staying young is to add muscle to your body:

and that's also the key to raise your resting metabolism to a time when we were younger.

Everyone wants to be feel younger, of course - gaining muscle is the key.

Fitness tips and safe exercise for every one of your goals:

Do you have a goal of losing weight and are having difficulty? More muscle is the key to a higher metabolism!

Do you want to live a longer life and feel more confident in daily living? More muscle is the key to living longer and more mobile!

Do you want to be more active in your daily life? More muscle increases our ability to move, recover, and withstand more physical daily stressors!

In all my years as a fitness trainer this is the one method that I've found success for anyone of all ages, beginner or intermediate level.

As we discover more about the science of strength training, it becomes easier for us to discard fitness myths and focus on what matters.

Let us teach you our method so you can get all of the benefits of real exercise! 

I know that getting started on your own can be overwhelming and difficult - I am here to help and teach you to utilize this Body by Science exercise method the best I am able. 

If you're one of the majority of people who is having difficulty learning this life changing fitness method, we are also here to guide you to the results you want and need through 1 on 1 coaching from the comfort of your own home or in a clinically controlled environment - mention that I sent you (JG, Jonathan Gentry) and you get a FREE introduction workout at The Perfect Workout so you can FEEL and KNOW exactly how effective this workout is.

Even if you have no equipment or strength training experience, beginner or intermediate, you can begin with these exercises below and start getting all of the health benefits of high intensity strength training!

Click the picture, there are also more Youtube video examples on that page-

Safe Fitness Training Tips: You Can Get Started at Any Level and Any Age

No matter where you are in your workout plan, no matter what age you are, no matter how much experience you have with resistance training you can get started now to better health and fitness!

The first step into better health and fitness is sometimes the hardest but there are fitness tips for everyone from every age group and walk of life, no matter your budget or your age group there is a workout routine for you here!

So stick around and watch my website grow, bookmark this site and we can get started on your journey to better health and fitness with the best exercises to fit your workout plan!

My passion is life extension and to educate people about the most recent discoveries in biology and real exercise! And my mission is to give you the best workout routines, top fitness tips, and the best exercise workout plan to fit your needs.

The high intensity strength training model is the only one effective method I have found for all age groups in all of my years in fitness.

I'm here to help you get on the road to better health and ability. Together we can fight the aging process by adding muscle mass to your body, and getting all the health and life extension benefits of myokines.

I look forward to hearing from you in the future and all of your success stories - 

I hope that YOU live a longer life through strength training. Start now and you will!

Jonathan Gentry
Fitness Trainer, The Perfect Workout
Clear Lake, TX

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